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* Standard profile

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Business type: Services
Business type: Exporter,
Number of employees: 101 - 500
Annual sales value: Euro < 500.000
Established year: 2001

Computer Hardware & Software

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Firm Rank: 0

DIGISTOR, a division of Sunland International, LLC, is a global provider of data storage products, services and solutions. DIGISTOR’s product portfolio includes; OEM optical drives, external DVD and blu-ray devices, portable hard drives, blu-ray optical media and customized embedded hardware and software solutions.

Founded in 2001 by three technology industry veterans, DIGISTOR is headquartered in the Silicon Valley with distribution facilities in Hong Kong and Europe.

The DIGISTOR Commitment

From the start, DIGISTOR's commitment to exceptional customer service has been foundational to the way we do business. Simply stated, it is to:

Provide high quality and innovative products and solutions
Have expert knowledge of every product, solution and service we deliver.
Understand and be responsive to our customers' global business demands and requirement.
Industry Standing

DIGISTOR has a long-standing reputation for building strong relationships with manufacturers and OEM's at both the management and factory level, and today is:

A leading manufacturer and integrator of specialized storage products and solutions.
The #1 worldwide supplier of Panasonic industrial optical drives.
An established specialist in custom, hard-to-find and discontinued parts.
Serving Customers Worldwide

DIGISTOR's customers include global OEMs, system integrators, resellers, contract manufacturers, and professional end users around the world.

Contact Details:
1400-A Dell Ave.
Campbell, CA 95008

Fax: 408-866-5601
Phone number: 408-796-5140

Address data

Street:1400-A Dell Ave. Campbell, CA
Postal code:95008
Country:United States
Phone: +1 800 8161886
Fax: +408 866 5601


Contact person

Name and Surname: Jana Chen
Phone: +1 800 8161886
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